5 Days of Self love for FREE

Sample my 30 Day Self Love Commitment for free!

Rediscover and love your true self with daily exercises

self-love commitmentHave you lost yourself in the hustle and bustle of daily life? Additionally, do you constantly give to others and have forgotten yourself in the process? Trust me lady, I know what you’re feeling! Is it time for you to take the next 5 days to focus on self love for free? Simple and short activities with profound value!

Are you ready to commit to loving yourself but want to make sure this work is right for you? Well, my friend, you are in the right place! Here you will get to sample 5 days of my 30 day challenge for free! The only commitment you are making is one to yourself. You have nothing to lose!

This is real self reflection work. I’m not going to encourage you to go buy flowers for yourself or go take a relaxing bath. No, my friend! Alternately, these daily exercises are meant for deep soul connection and reflection. I have hand picked 5 days from my actual commitment to get you back on track of real self love. We’ll be talking about creating a gratitude foundation, exploring how we trust, what gifts we are hiding from the world and integrating it all into our daily life! This is real and raw work guiding you back to loving yourself!

Yes, click here to sign me up!
I’m ready to:

Put me first!
Love me again!
Take accountability for my happiness!
Commit to myself!

When you click here to sign up, you will be redirected to my membership site. Sign up to get immediate access to your 5 days of self love as well as all of my other freebie goodies, including meditations, mindful guides and more!

Meet Stefanie

Who am I and why am I doing this work? 

Through the many paths of my life, I have finally found my home. Ironically, or maybe not so ironically, the home I have found is within myself.

I was on a constant search to find myself through others. I read every book, attended so many classes and retreats and although I felt uplifted, I still felt empty inside. I was constantly living my life for everyone else and their expectations of me. I had lost myself completely. 

Thankfully through my constant searching, I finally returned home; the home within myself. I rediscovered ME again and fell in love with this beautiful soul all over again.

Therefore, my journey of self-discovery is my gift to you, my dear friend. I have a gift of seeing your divinity when you may not see it in yourself and it is my commitment to this world to spread love throughout and inspire others to live from their authentic divine self. I will promise you one thing: I am not your guru; I refuse to be the person that I sought aimlessly after for many years. I am simply your guide and mirror, allowing you the opportunity to rediscover and love yourself again.

To conclude, this is your journey, and it is by no accident that you have come here as part of that journey. Thank you for trusting me, I am honored to walk side by side with you. 

If you’re ready to jump into the full 30 day self-love commitment,
we would love to have you!

Your investment of less than $5/day includes:

  • Lifetime access to 30 daily videos (all under 10 minutes) and actionable assignments.
  • 30 day journal to capture your journey.
  • Access to a community of others who on the quest for self-discovery.
  • 20 minute clarity session with me at any point in your journey.
  • Future updates in videos and activities for all things related to self-love!

Click below to be directed to the right place to join!

Why is your self-love commitment so important?

Check out an interview I did with the lovely Kris Prochaska about radical accountability and living from a space of true authenticity. When you commit to self love, you will discover the stories, beliefs and patterns that may have held you back from living from a space of pure authenticity. Have a listen!