How do you use the mirror tool for self-discovery?
We all know what mirrors are good for, right? We see reflection of the object that that is looking in to the mirror. Ever wonder how they scientifically work? Check out this fascinating explanation. Have you considered using the mirror tool as a reflection of what is going on within ourselves? Read on to learn how the mirror tool can assist you in self-discovery and personal growth!
I can share for me personally, this one single spiritual tool has been the most powerful tool in my self-discovery journey. It can sometimes be challenging to be willing to use it, but once you get in the habit of it, you will allow yourself to dive in deep to what is going on inside.
How does the mirror concept relate to me?
I’ll break it down simply for you. I believe we are all light beings and divine souls and we are also connected to a higher power/source. Each of us is connected to this higher power; therefore, connecting each of us humans to each other energetically/spiritually. Considering this idea, we tend to view others as a reflection of ourselves. When you use the mirror tool as a way to look deeper within yourself, you are simply seeing others’ actions as a reflection of yourself.
Also keep in mind that our ego does an amazing job at covering up the parts of us that we don’t want to see, so it is much easier to point the fingers at others claiming their actions are simply theirs and have nothing to do with me. But what if…and I invite you to explore this for yourself…what if their actions are simply just a reflection of yourself?
Examples please?
Here’s an easy one: What if you are triggered by someone that is judgmental. You get so annoyed that this person criticizes, makes fun, or judges other people. How dare they judge others so easily! Aren’t you doing the same thing by judging them for their judgments?
Here’s another one that has shown up for me many times. I have noticed people close in my life be standoffish. I would always assume that it was just them, justifying their actions by thinking they’re in “a mood” or it’s “that time of the month.” Again, it’s easy to point the finger at everyone else because taking accountability can be difficult and scary! Here’s how this valuable tool assisted me in this situation. The moment I felt them standoffish, I would turn the mirror on me and see if I was doing the same thing. Guess what? Every single time, there was a part of me that was being quiet and desiring to be in my own space and/or head.
Okay, so I see the value of this tool, what do I do with it?
Be compassionate to yourself.
You have the choice.
In conclusion, for a long time I continued to blame others for their standoffish behaviors. I would let my mind go crazy thinking about different scenarios of why they are not wanting to talk to me. I would go down the rabbit hole wondering if I did something wrong or worry that I should or should not be doing something. (See how it turned back on me? Oh the joys of that Mind Chatter!)
Utilizing the mirror tool allowed me to be accountable for myself and create more connection in my relationships. I had the choice to continue the blame game or to be aware when I experienced this mirror to see where I wanted to create more connection. I realized that often disconnected from my relationships and shut off my communication. Rather than expressing my needs, I shut down. That’s when others reflected those actions as well. See how incredible this is?
You, my friend, have that choice in your life. This tool can assist you in your path of self-discovery if you become aware and practice with it.
Final note.
This is not an excuse for others’ actions. This tool does not make you accountable for their actions; it allows you to take accountability for your own. If others are physically and psychologically hurting you, seek help, please!
Got questions or want to discuss further? Schedule a complimentary consultation call with me!
When have you used this tool? Leave a note!