You’ve Got Dreams!
Wanna Make Them Reality?
You have a vision board, right? But, is it working for you? Keep reading if you’re ready to make your dreams reality using our upcoming course, Journal Your Vision (Board).
I’ll be honest with you! I know the hype and over-saturation around vision boards. Vision boards are everywhere and with the promise that if you use them you’ll manifest the life of your dreams.
Trust me, I didn’t want to do it!
When the idea came to me to create this course, I almost didn’t do it. Simply because I have been where you’re at; I created many different versions, following instructions to a “T”, all using perfectly cut photos and cute sayings, all of them yielding the same results….NOTHING! So why was I going to create a course on yet another vision board.
But I’ll tell you why I finally said yes! It’s because of all of the failed boards and finger crossing. I found a method that ACTUALLY WORKS! And, I am confident that it will work for you, too! No more throwing a picture up on a wall and hoping and praying that it all works out. You’re actively creating your dreams! Yes, you my friend, will be in control!!
Are you curious yet? So what’s the secret sauce?
In short, I’ll be teaching you how to combine your vision board with your journal and a daily three minute commitment. Do you have three minutes that you can commit to your dreams? This course will walk you through all of the mechanics of creating your new vision board and easy steps to actually make your dreams a reality. Who’s in with me?!?
Sign up now to join the wait list and we’ll let you know when we launch!
Through the many paths of my life, I have finally found my home, the home within myself.
The word that comes to mind is FREE!
- Free from living MY life as others have expected me to live.
- Free from all of the stories that I and others have told me about me.
- Free from the expectations that others have placed upon me.
- Free from the bonds of judgment by others and myself.
- Free to reinvent myself.
- Free to be authentically me.
- Free to assist others in finding their own path.
Through the multiple paths of living life through a mask or through others’ expectations, I have finally found that all I ever needed is already inside me. I am the master creator of my life and all questions can be answered through me!
My journey has been beautiful and has provided me so many lessons in coming back home, coming to my center. I have developed a passion of guiding others in connecting with their true power within themselves. I am excited to be on your journey and know that once you are able to tap into your greatness, you too will realize that everything you desired is already within you!
I am not the person that will simply tell you what to do or give you all the answers; I will simply guide you to returning back to your home, giving you permission to release those stories and allow you to bring out your true authentic self.