Monthly Gene Keys Exploration

Accept and Love your Unique Genius

You are a unique being of love.
You have gifts that only you possess and only you can bring to the world!

Give yourself the gift of exploration and acceptance by diving into your Gene Keys Prime Gift which will allow your authentic path to emerge. 

This monthly exploration is for you if:


know you are here for something bigger than yourself.


you’re confused and/or feel insecure w/yourself.


you are seeking clarity in your purpose/mission.


you are tired of comparing yourself to others.


you want a simple approach to understanding yourself deeper. 

Stefanie Joseph, Activation Sequence Gene Keys

 What is included:

  • Lifetime access to the self-paced Gene Keys Activation Sequence Course. This access allows you to create a custom profile which walks you through your specific Gene Keys within the sequence. Valued at $125. Learn more.
  • Two (2) group support sessions with Gene Keys Guide, Stefanie Joseph and fellow travelers. Sessions scheduled 2x a month, via Zoom, Bring your questions from the course and let’s explore together. Pick what sessions work for you; sessions to be used within 2 months.

Only $155


My session with Stefanie was so incredible. I didn’t know what to expect because Gene Keys is something new for me. Stefanie was so in tune and talked through everything with me and it helped me learn more about myself. Recently I became aware of a past trauma that I’ve been trying to heal and Stefanie helped guide me to further healing. Also, one of the reasons I reached out to her is I’ve been blocked creatively and wanted to see what came up. I was blown away by the insight she had and how accurate it explained me, but in a way I hadn’t heard before. I write music and she encouraged me to sing one of my songs after our session with the emotions I was feeling (since I cried through the whole session haha). After the session I recorded myself singing the song in a very raw and vulnerable state and even though it wasn’t perfect musically, it was beautiful. I heard the emotion in my voice. I can’t wait for another session with her to help me learn more about who I am. Thanks Stefanie!

Brita, happy client

Learn more about Stefanie

I am a seeker just like you.

I am passionate about intuitively supporting others on their self-discovery journey. I am a Gene Keys Guide and I have fully accepted that this transmission moves through me. I am let by Spirit to continue diving deeper into the Gene Keys transmission and allowing it to move through me in all of the work that I do.

I believe that we have all of the answers within us; however, they may be covered by trauma, life experiences and deep programming. Through my work, I guide you back to home within yourself. The Gene Keys provides and road map into your soul and gives you permission to be yourself.  

Stefanie Joseph smiling

Say yes to freeing yourself and living authentically!

Strengthen your relationships and your commitment to yourself.


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